The Transformation of Mercenarism From its Origin to the Present




The article aims to present the phenomenon of "mercenarism" in the context of historical developments and to show how the essence of mercenarism and its perception has been changing since its emergence. The article specifically mentions that mercenary activities started in ancient times and have reached our days with certain transformations. For centuries, it served to solve specific problems and was considered not only a natural but often an honorable activity. The article discusses the specifics of mercenarism in different periods of history, changes in recruitment methods and the legality of mercenaries’ and employers’ actions. The research also examines the scope of international laws condemning the phenomenon of mercenarism and the need for their

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Hovhannisyan, D. ., & Kyureghyan, S. (2022). The Transformation of Mercenarism From its Origin to the Present. Analytical Bulletin, 15, 31–52. 22.15-31

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