
  • Tatevik Mkrtchyan Center for Civilization and Cultural Studies ,Yerevan State University
  • Hayk Kocharyan Center for Civilization and Cultural Studies, Yerevan State University


National Security Strategy, Military Doctrine, Armenia, Regional Security, Military security, Nagorno Karabakh, Strategic Defense Review, Network state


After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the vision of national security in the South Caucasus was mainly dominated by the maintenance of independence and the wars in Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia. Shortly following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Armenia was confronted with two blockades on its borders with Azerbaijan and Turkey; another troubling obstacle in addition to its geographically landlocked position. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict defined the external dimension of threats to its national security in its newly independent state amidst the unpredictable regional situation. The external threats and the internal chaotic situation within The Republic of Armenia (RA) called for an elaborated and organized system found in its National Security Document/Strategy. ‘The Development of National Security Strategy’1 was initiated in 1992 and finalized in 2007. Between 2005 and 2007, as a part of a process of deepening cooperation with NATO, the South Caucasian states adopted their respective national security documents. There was a clear lack of experience in developing the National Security Strategy of Armenia. Therefore for the state institutions; collaboration with international stakeholders is of high importance. Reviewing the evolution of Armenia’s National Security Strategy shows that the document was drawn up by the following collaborative interagency commission: the Secretary of the Armenian Defense Ministry, and local and foreign experts. 

Author Biographies

Tatevik Mkrtchyan, Center for Civilization and Cultural Studies ,Yerevan State University

Ms. Tatevik Mkrtchyan is a PhD student and junior researcher at the Centre for Civilization and Cultural Studies at Yerevan State University. In 2011-2014, she was a lecturer of Arabic language at Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences. Her PhD thesis focuses on Shi‘a religious doctrine and discourse in the Nahj al-Balagha. Her field of specialization is Arabic and Islamic Studies, with her most recent research interests being the Shi‘a religious political governmental system of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Iran’s relations with the South Caucasus.  

Hayk Kocharyan, Center for Civilization and Cultural Studies, Yerevan State University

Dr. Hayk Kocharyan is a Senior Fellow Researcher at the Center for Civilization and Cultural Studies at Yerevan State University, with a focus on security and political developments in the South Caucasus and the Middle East region. Dr. Kocharyan also acts as the Head of Arabic Studies Department of Yerevan State University. Dr. Kocharyan is a regular contributor to the local and regional media and provides expertise on political and security issues in the South Caucasus and the Middle East. Dr. Kocharyan holds a Doctorate Degree in History from the Institute of Oriental Studies at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, as well as an MA Degree in Arabic Studies from Yerevan State University. Dr. Kocharyan also spent substantial time conducting research at CEU and the Universities of Cairo and Damascus.


National Security Strategy of Republic of Armenia, (approved at the session of National Security Council at the RA President office on January 26, 2007), Official web site of MOD RA, Available at: (14.06.2017)

The Military Doctrine of Republic of Armenia, Official web site of MOD RA, Available at: (14.06.2017)

Strategic Defense Review, Public Release, 2011-2015, Available at (14.06.2017)

National Security Council’s official website

Corruption Perception indexes available at: and (16.06.2017)

Serzh Sargsyan’s opening remarks at the meeting with the Ambassadors of the OSCE Participating States, 04.04.2016, Available at: release/item/2016/04/04/President-Serzh-Sargsyan-meeting-with-Ambassadors-of-OSCEstates/ (10.06.2017)

The Military Doctrine of Republic of Armenia, Official web site of MOD RA, Available at: (14.06.2017)

Strategic Defense Review, Public Release, 2011-2015, Available at: (14.06.201

The “Nation Army” concept, Speech of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia Vigen Sargsyan at the Meeting of the Board under the Minister of Defense, 29.10.2016, published in a monograph related to the Nation-Army concept. Available at:

On April 20th, 2017, at a conference entitled “Nation-Army 2017,” dedicated to fundamental themes in military education Minister of Defense Presented two new programs, entitled “My Honor” and “I Am”. The aim of the “My Honor” state program is to link temporary exemption from military service for higher education with professional military service and the “I am” program aims to reward those, who volunteered to serve on the front line. For details see: Discussion of the fundamental topics in military education, Available at: (18.06.2017)

Statement by President Serzh Sargsyan at the extended meeting held at the RA Ministry of Defense, 15.01.2013. Available at: /item/2013/01/15/President-Serzh-Sargsyan-speech-session-Ministry-of-Defense/ (14.06.2017)

The Speech Delivered by Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia Vigen Sargsyan During the Meeting of the Board Adjacent to the Minister of Defense Available at: (16.06.2017)

Statement by President Serzh Sargsyan at the Congress of the European People’s Party, 29.03.2017, Available at: /03/29/President-Serzh-Sargsyan-statement-at-the-EPP-congress-in-Malta/ (16.06.2017)

The Statement of the President of RA at the session of the CSTO Collective Security Council, Working visit of president Serzh Sargsyan to Russian Federation, 21.12.2015, (14.06.2017)

Statement by President Serzh Sargsyan at the meeting of the Heads of State and Government of the NATO member and non-member states dedicated to the Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan, 09.07.2016, Available at:, The interview of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia Vigen Sargsyan on RIA Novosti, February 22, 2017, Available at: (14.06.2017)

Joint press point with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the President of Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, 27 Feb 2017, available at: (20.06.2017)

Treaty on the Accession of the Republic of Armenia to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, 29 May 2014, Available at: Document.aspx?s=bef9c798-3978-42f3-9ef2-d0fb3d53b75f&w=632c7868-4ee2-4b21-bc64- 1995328e6ef3&l=540294ae-c3c9-4511-9bf8-aaf5d6e0d169&EntityID=7297 (15.06.2017)

Hrant Kostanyan, The Rocky Road to an EU-Armenia Agreement: From U-turn to detour, 3 February 2015, available at: (16.06.2017)

Hrant Kostanyan and Richard Giragosian, EU-Armenian Relations: Seizing the Second Chance, CEPC Commentary, Thinking ahead for Europe, 31 October 2016, available at: (14.06.2017)

Munich Security Conference Speech of President Serzh Sargsyan, Available at: (14.06.2017) 22 For more details see D. Hovhannisyan, Network State, Jam Session 16, Available at: (24.06.2017)




How to Cite

Mkrtchyan, T. ., & Kocharyan, H. . (2017). REGIONAL SECURITY DYNAMICS: ARMENIA. Analytical Bulletin of Armenian and Regional Studies, 2(11), 18–36. Retrieved from

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