
  • Sona Sukiasyan Yerevan State University

Ключевые слова:

Turkey, Georgia, Foreign policy of Turkey, Turkey – Georgia relations, Ajara, Islam, Muslim population of Ajara


This research analyzes Turkish-Georgian relations, focusing on Turkish influence on Ajara and its formal and informal educational system, culture, and Turkey's use of “soft power.” This paper will review Turkey's main institutions and policies, political mechanisms, and sources of influence in Ajara. Specifically, it will cover the Muslim community in Ajara and address peculiarities in its educational system, culture, religion and "Gulen Movement" in context of Turkey’s foreign policy towards Georgia

Библиографические ссылки

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Fethullah Gulen is the founder of "Hizmet" religious movement (also known by the name of Gülen movement). He is considered to be one of the followers of Islam preacher Said Nursi, who founded "Nurcu" religious movement. The main purpose of Gülen and his movement to spread Islamic and Pan-Turkic ideas, for what he has established a wide network of educational centers and schools

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It is very common in Ajara Muslim-Christian mixed families, where the customs and traditions of these two religions demonstrate a unique combination, despite the fact that according to Muslim Islamic law, men can marry only with the religious representatives who are "People of the Book» (Ahl al -Kitāb), for example, Christians, and Jews, but a Muslim woman cannot marry a representative of another religion.

Interview with the senior researcher of Shota Rustaveli State University (Batumi) Ruslan Baramidze, 30 September, 2016, Yerevan62 Interview with members of the group, that conducted fieldworks in Ajara within the anthropological project “CCC", 09 September, 2016, Yerevan

Interview with the former general counsel of Armenia in Batumi Aram Grigoryan, 13 September, 2016,

Interview with members of the group, that conducted fieldworks in Ajara within the anthropological project “CCC", 09 September, 2016, Yerevan

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Interview with members of the group, that conducted fieldworks in Ajara within the anthropological project “CCC", 09 September, 2016, Yerevan




Как цитировать

Sukiasyan, S. (2017). SCHOOLS, MOSQUES AND RESTAURANTS: UNDERSTANDING TURKEY’S "SOFT POWER" IN AJARA. Analytical Bulletin, 1(10), 211–233. извлечено от


