
  • Vali Kouzegar Kaleji Center for Strategic Research, Iran


I would like to thank all my colleagues and friends in EurasiaPartnership Foundation (EPF) for organizing this interesting meetingdedicated to security dynamics in the region. I hope that our conversationscan led to better understanding from our mutual relations and currentcomplicated situation in the region. As you know very well, we are now ina crucial, sensitive and historical situation and the Middle East currentsituation is comparable with European countries after First World War thatpolitical and geographical borders changed. The Middle Eastern regionalsystem is in a permanent state of flux. As a region given to domestic unrest,intra- regional conflict, and superpower competition, it has never beenmarked by stability, peace and security. In recent years, we had seensecurity interactions between the Middle East and Caucasus in context ofIraq and Syria crisis.  



Mr. Vali Kaleji is a Ph. D. Student in Regional Studies, Central Asia and Caucasian Studies at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Tehran. He is also a research fellow at the Center for Strategic Research (CSR), affiliated to Iran’s Expediency Council in Tehran, Iran. Mr. Kaleji is author of several research and policy papers on Central Asia and Caucasus. His recent publications (in Persian) are: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): Goals, Functions and Perspectives (2010); South Caucasus as a Regional Security Complex, foreword by Shirin Akiner (2014); Iran, Russia and China in Central Asia; Cooperation and Conflict with US Foreign Policy in Central Asia, Foreword by Sergey Markedonov; US Foreign Policy in Central Asia: Process and Perspectives (2015); Iran and the South Caucasus Republics (2017).  


