Armenia, Turkey, EU, Foreign and Security Policy, South Caucasus, IntegrationAbstract
The proposed paper is an attempt to examine the EU foreign and security policy within two major thematic contexts: Turkish-Armenian relations and Wider South Caucasus region, and to identify major features of the EU policy in light of regional processes. The analysis of the above mentioned requires comprehensive revision of several important aspects that determine EU policy in the region in general and in Turkish-Armenian relations in particular. These aspects particularly include analysis of the general logic of EU Foreign policy development after the entry into force of the Lisbon treaty, the rethinking of EU Neighborhood and Enlargement policy, the revision of ENP and launch of Eastern Partnership (EaP) and Barcelona Process (EuroMed) an attempt have regional focuses in ENP. Another important aspect of the process relates to the EU-NATO relations in light of rethinking of the EU security with regard to global security threats that EU is facing as a more organized political entity after Lisbon Treaty has entered into force. Finally the involvement of the EU in regional processes, its relations with the three EaP countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia), Iran and Turkey should be taken into account bearing in mind foreign policy and security priorities that EU has set for itself. The paper will touch upon several important priorities, such as energy, communication, trade, migration, conflicts and terrorism threat that are all set as key priorities forthe EU in its Global Strategy and Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). The Russian factor should also be taken into account due to strong Russian presence in the region, traditional Russia-Turkey-Iran triangle, as well as involvement of Russia in important processes around the region: Ukraine and Syria
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