
  • Tinatin Soziashvili Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Ключевые слова:

Armenology, TSU, Education


This paper discusses the establishment and development process of the department of Armenology at Tbilisi State University. The main goal is to introduce the development environment for Armenological studies at different stages at Tbilisi State University. The first part of this paper consists of a historical review. In the second part of the article, the current situation is analyzed. The information on the TSU website and curriculum structures are studied. The teaching-learning process at the department of Armenology is also observed. In addition to observation, the main research methods used in this study rely on semistructured and in-depth interviews with professors and students. It should be noted that the Armenology Department suffers from a lack of students; the studies in this direction are not as intensive as in the past. Mainly, the Georgian-Armenians – citizens of Georgia, – and some Georgian and Turkish students from Vani are showing interest in studying Armenian. The clear decline of the Armenology sphere does not really indicate any unawareness of its importance, especially for historians and linguists. Moreover, it does not mean that there is no need for Armenology anymore or for the Armenian sources in general. It all depends on the market economy, which determines scientific interests. Nowadays, the humanities – including Armenology as its branch – is generally not favored.

Библиографические ссылки

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Chikobava Arnold. Ibero-Caucasian languages, the study of history. Publishing house"Ganatleba", Tbilisi, 1965.

Dzidziguri Shota. Niko MarrResearcher of Georgian Culture. Publishing house "Metsniereba", 1985.

Alexidze Zaza. Christian Caucasus, History and Philology Studies, volume 2, 2011, Tbilisi.

Javakhishvili Ivane, Works in twelve volumes, Volume I, Tbilisi State University, 1979.

Kaukhchishvili Simon, Ivane Javakhishvili, Publishing house "Ganatleba", Tbilisi 1976.

SergiJikia, professor-Leon Melkiset Beg life and work. Tbilisi State University, volume 99, Oriental Series III, 1962.

Babunashvili Zaur, Nozadze Teimuraz, Patriot Cloister, Tbilisi, 1994.

Description of the personal archives - Ilia Abuladze, National Center of Manuscripts, Volume 2, Tbilisi, 2010.

Philological-historical explorations, Mravaltavi X, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Ilia Abuladze, Tbilisi, 1983.

Chantladze, N. (2017, April 7). Ivane Shalikadze. (T. Soziashvili interviewer) Tbilisi.




Как цитировать

Soziashvili, T. . (2017). TEACHING ARMENIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE AT TBILISI STATE UNIVERSITY (TSU). Analytical Bulletin, 1(10), 197–210. извлечено от https://analytical-bulletin.cccs.am/index.php/ab/article/view/69


