Re-Examining Evil

The State of the Next Generations of the Armenian Genocide Survivors


  • Marine Khachatryan Institute for Contemporary Art



Evil, Armenian Genocide, Crime, Sin, Conscience, Historical trauma


Where man-made reprehensible deeds are concerned, the term evil seems too outdated and pathetic for scholarly circulation nowadays. The article explores evil not abstractly but by penetrating three fields: jurisprudence, religion, and art. Through the ideas of “crime”, “sin”, and “myth,” it penetrates the legal, moral, and artistic domains. With the Armenian Genocide of 1915 in mind, the research project examines the possibility of 1) legal redemption for irreversible loss and damage, 2) historicization of sin, and 3) historical trauma. Thus, an attempt is made to “diagnose” the state of the next generations of Genocide survivors. The study emphasizes that despite the unjustifiability of the genocide, the current Armenian generation's unbearable burden of condemnation should be lightened for public healing.


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How to Cite

Խաչատրյան Մ. (2024). Re-Examining Evil: The State of the Next Generations of the Armenian Genocide Survivors. Analytical Bulletin of Armenian and Regional Studies, 18.