The Reflection of Communist Ideology in the Street Renaming Policy in Soviet Yerevan (1921-1939)


  • Nelly Manucharyan Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of NAS RA


urban toponyms, identity, street renaming, Soviet ideology, Soviet Yerevan, communism, street names, commemoration


This article examines the significance of street names as an expression of Communist power in Yerevan, Armenia during the early Soviet period from 1921-1939 (the era of a newly established government in Armenia, until World War II). The research depicts the picture of the Soviet authority’s attitude towards the street renaming process. The analysis will answer the question of how, through the control of state government, the political elite promoted its ideology via the nomenclature of the street network.


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How to Cite

Manucharyan, N. (2015). The Reflection of Communist Ideology in the Street Renaming Policy in Soviet Yerevan (1921-1939). Analytical Bulletin of Armenian and Regional Studies, 8, 122–155. Retrieved from