The Role of The Al-Baqir Brigade in The Syrian Crisis. Research on Tribal Engagement

Племена и племенной строй в Сирии, механизмы регулирования государственно-племенных отношений в Сирии


  • Ferdinant Grigoryan Yerevan State University



Syrian uprising, Tribes, Tribalism, Middle East, Arab Spring


As a result of the situation created during the Syrian crisis, the Syrian government has increasingly relied on paramilitary groups to address security challenges. Existing studies suggest that all paramilitary groups in Syria were formed primarily through a top-down process. Focusing on the success of the al-Baqir Brigade in Syria, this study challenges that assumption. The article demonstrates that the emergence of tribal militants is largely a grassroots phenomenon, driven by competition over local resources. It argues that the Syrian state has capitalized on this opportunity by delegating certain security and counterinsurgency responsibilities to the group.


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How to Cite

Գրիգորյան Ֆ. (2024). The Role of The Al-Baqir Brigade in The Syrian Crisis. Research on Tribal Engagement: Племена и племенной строй в Сирии, механизмы регулирования государственно-племенных отношений в Сирии. Analytical Bulletin of Armenian and Regional Studies, 19, 25–58.